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Search results for mu,815 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,815
Translated headword: moderates
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "After sailing away from
Athens and arriving at the Syrian Seleucia,
Asclepiodotus began to examine the customs of the people; and he said that during the entire journey he encountered only three men who were living moderately: in
Antioch the philospher Hilarius;[1] in the Laodicea held by the Syrians Maras the most just man of our age and the one who had gained the surname Aristeides;[2] and the philosopher Domninus."[3]
Greek Original:*me/trioi: *)aqh/nhqen a)popleu/sas *)asklhpio/dotos kai\ ei)s *seleu/keian th=s *suri/as a)fiko/menos dieskopei=to ta\ h)/qh tw=n a)nqrw/pwn: kai\ e)n th=| perio/dw| o(/lh| trisi\ mo/nois e)/fh e)ntetuxhke/nai metri/ws e)/xousin a)nqrw/pois, *(ilapi/w| te tw=| filoso/fw| kat' *)antio/xeian: e)n de\ *laodikei/a| th=| e)xome/nh| po/lei tw=n *su/rwn *ma/ra| tw=| dikaiota/tw| tw=n kaq' h(ma=s a)nqrw/pwn kai\ th\n *)aristei/dou e)pwnumi/an a)penegkame/nw|, *domni/nw| te tw=| filoso/fw|.
For this headword, here unglossed, see already
mu 814. The present entry's quotation --
Life of Isidore fr. 221 Zintzen (135 Asmus) -- includes the related adverb.
[1] The name is transmitted here as 'Hilapius', but cf.
iota 291.
mu 181 (and see
alpha 3903 for Aristeides).
delta 1355.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 5 July 2009@02:13:31.
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