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Search results for mu,809 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,809
Translated headword: measure, measure out
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] lend.[1] And Hesiod [writes]: "get good measure from a neighbor, and return [it] well."[1] And
Theopompus in
Hawkers [writes]: "either allot or measure out or exact a penalty."[2]
Greek Original:*me/trhson: da/neison. kai\ *(hsi/odos: eu)= me\n metrei=sqai para\ gei/tonos, eu)= d' a)podou=nai. kai\ *qeo/pompos *kaph/lois: meta/dos h)\ me/trhson h)\ timh\n la/be.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; poetry
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 23 July 2003@08:02:38.
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