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Adler number: mu,801
Translated headword: Meton
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The mathematician [of that name]. Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "Meton's year".[1]
This Meton[2] became the best doctor and astronomer. His is the so-called "year of Meton". Kallistratos says that there is an astronomical device of his set up in Kolonos, though Euphronios [says] that Kolonos was his deme. Before Pythodoros[3] there was a sundial in what is now the [sc. place of] assembly, next to the wall on the Pnyx. Alternatively because he constructed a fountain in Kolonos.
Phrynichus in
Recluse says: "Who is it who is thinking after these? -- Meton of L[e]ukonoion. -- I know, the fountain-maker".[4] Or perhaps because he contrived a fountain in Kolonos, or prepared a statue or astronomical offering.
Greek Original:*me/twn: o( maqhmatiko/s. kai\ *me/twnos e)niauto/s. ou(=tos o( *me/twn a)/ristos e)ge/neto i)atro\s kai\ a)strono/mos. tou/tou e)sti\n o( lego/menos *me/twnos e)niauto/s. *kalli/stratos de/ fhsin ei)=nai au)tou= e)n *kolwnw=| a)na/qhma/ ti a)stronomiko/n, *eu)fro/nios de/, o(/ti tw=n dh/mwn h)=n e)k *kolwnou=. pro\ *puqodw/rou de\ h(liotro/pion h)=n e)n th=| nu=n ou)/sh| e)kklhsi/a| pro\s tw=| tei/xei tw=| e)n *pnuki/. h)\ o(/ti e)n *kolwnw=| krh/nhn tina\ kat- eskeua/sato: fhsi\n o( *fru/nixos *monotro/pw|: ti/s d' e)sti\n o( meta\ tau=ta fronti/zwn; *me/twn o( *lukonoieu/s. oi)=da, o( ta\s krh/nas a)/gwn. h)\ i)/sws, o(/ti e)n tw=| *kolonw=| krh/nhn tina\ katemhxanh/sato, h)\ a)/galma h)\ a)na/qhma a)stronomiko\n kateskeua/sato.
[1] His 19-year cycle. See
epsilon 1331.
[2] Material from the
scholia to
Birds 997, where Meton appears and gives his name (web address 1). Sense can be made out of their confusing information (and disinformation) about Meton -- most of it directed towards explaining why Kolonos is mentioned in line 998 -- by consulting the bibliography listed below. See also next note.
[3] This phrase unintelligibly abridges one in
Philochorus FGrH F122: "under [sc. the archon] Apseudes, the one before Pythodoros", i.e. 433/2.
Phrynichus fr. 21 Kock, now 22 K.-A.
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995) 550-1 and 554-5
OCD4 s.v. 'astronomical instruments' and s.v. 'Meton'.
Phillip Harding, The Story of Athens: the fragments of the local chronicles of Attika (2008) 119-120
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; chronology; comedy; geography; historiography; mathematics; medicine; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 July 2001@08:07:26.
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