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Search results for mu,768 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,768
Translated headword: you are chattering about lofty things
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] you are flying high, and you are working aimlessly and as it chanced. Properly metewrokopei=n is to strike the sea uselessly with the flat of the oar. And in Clouds [he calls] the philosophers metewrole/sxoi, because they investigate heavenly matters.[1] The expression metewrokopei=n is transferred from qalattokopei=s ["you strike the sea"], for striking is used in reference to vehemence.[2] And elsewhere: "you are striking the sea and fluttering your wings."[3]
Greek Original:*metewrokopei=s: mete/wra pe/th| kai\ ma/thn kai\ w(s e)/tuxe ka/mneis. metewrokopei=n de/ e)sti kuri/ws to\ tw=| pla/tei th=s kw/phs matai/ws th\n qa/lassan tu/ptein. kai\ metewrole/sxous tou\s filoso/fous e)n *nefe/lais, o(/ti ta\ ou)ra/nia periskopou=si. metenh/nektai de\ h( le/cis to\ metewrokopei=n para\ to\ ti/ qalattokopei=s. e)pi\ ga\r tou= sfodrou= to\ ko/ptein paralamba/netai. kai\ a)llaxou=: qalattokopei=s kai\ pterugi/zeis.
Most of this entry comes from a scholion on
Peace 92, where the headword (second person singular, addressed to Trygaios) occurs.
Clouds 360; cf.
mu 769.
Knights 830; perhaps from a scholion on this verse; cf.
theta 11,
pi 1712.
Plutus [
Wealth] 575 has the second of these verbs but not the first.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 January 2006@22:12:12.
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