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Search results for mu,73 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,73
Translated headword: long-lasting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] long-lived.[1]
Sophocles [writes]: "I indeed do not have a desire for a long-lasting life, I who endure this report." Meaning I do not want to live with this reputation.[2]
Greek Original:*makrai/wnas: makrobi/ous. *sofoklh=s: ou)/toi bi/ou moi tou= makrai/wnos po/qos, fe/ronti th/nde ba/cin. a)nti\ tou= ou) bou/lomai zh=n e)pi\ tau/th| th=| fh/mh|.
[1] Likewise in
Photius mu50 Theodoridis. Accusative plural of these adjectives, the headword one presumably quoted from somewhere (e.g.
Republic 383B), though note that
Hesychius delta767 gives both
makrai/wnas and
makrobi/ous as glosses for
dhqai/wnas. The quotation which follows has the genitive singular, and see also
mu 74 with the dative singular.
Oedipus Tyrannus 518-9 (web address 1), with scholion.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 19 June 2007@10:21:18.
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