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Adler number: mu,668
Translated headword: Mesomedes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Crete, a lyric poet, lived in the time of Hadrian,[1] whose freedman he was and a very special friend. Accordingly he wrote in praise of Antinous, who was Hadrian's boy-friend;[2] [he also wrote] various other songs.
"When Antoninus[3] searched for the monument of Sulla[4] and repaired it, he raised a cenotaph for
Mesomedes who had written citharoedic
nomoi;[5] for the one [i.e.
Mesomedes] because he was learning to play the kithara; for the other [i.e. Sulla] because he esteemed his cruelty."[6]
Greek Original:*mesomh/dhs, *krh/s, luriko/s, gegonw\s e)pi\ tw=n *)adrianou= xro/nwn, a)peleu/qeros au)tou= kai\ e)n toi=s ma/lista fi/los. gra/fei ou)=n ei)s *)anti/noon e)/painon, o(\s h)=n *)adrianou= paidika/: kai\ a)/lla dia/fora me/lh. o(/ti *)antwni=nos to\ tou= *su/llou mnhmei=on a)nazhth/sas e)peskeu/ase, tw=| te *mesomh/dei tw=| tou\s kiqarw|dikou\s no/mous gra/yanti kenota/fion e)/xwse: tw=| me\n o(/ti kai\ kiqarw|dei=n e)ma/nqanen: e)kei/nw| de\ o(/ti th\n w)mo/thta au)tou= e)zh/lou.
Besides the specialised bibliography listed below, see generally Nicholas Horsfall in OCD(4) s.v.
Mesomedes’ extant works include six
Hymns (in honour of the Muse, the Sun, Nemesis, Mother Nature, Isis, and the Adriatic sea), three
Descriptions (
e)kfra/seis: two of a sundial, one of a sponge), two beast-related
Songs (
To a swan and
To a mosquito) and two
Epigrams in the
Greek Anthology (14.63, 16.323). As well as the bibliography below see also the website for Ancient Greek Music at the Commission for Ancient Literature of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (web address 1), which includes sound files of
Mesomedes’ extant fragments. See also M.L. West,
Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) 280-281, 303-308.
[1] Roman emperor 117-138 (
alpha 527).
[2] See under
alpha 527,
nu 518,
pi 858.
[3] a.k.a. Caracalla, Roman emperor 211-217 (
alpha 2762).
sigma 1337.
[5] See generally
nu 473.
[6] This material =
Cassius Dio 77.13.7.
Bowie, E.L., 'Greek Poetry in the Antonine Age', in Russell D.A., Antonine Literature, Oxford 1990, pp. 53-90 (pp. 85-90 on Mesomedes)
Heitsch, E. (ed.), Die griechischen Dichterfragmente der römischen Kaiserzeit, I, Göttingen 1961, pp. 24-32
Phillips, B., 'Greek Music', The Musical Quarterly 5.4 (1919) pp. 578-613
Pöhlmann, E., Denkmäler altgriechischer Musik, Nuremberg 1970
Vetter, W., 'Mesomedes, Kitharöde des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. aus Kreta', RE XV 1 (1931) p.1103
Whitmarsh, T., 'The Cretan lyre paradox: Mesomedes, Hadrian and the poetics of patronage', in Borg B. (ed.), Paideia: the world of the second sophistic, Berlin 2004, pp. 377-402
Winnington-Ingram, R.P., 'Ancient Greek Music: A Survey', Music & Letters 10.4 (1929) pp. 326-345
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; meter and music; poetry; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 14 May 2007@18:50:43.
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