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Search results for mu,664 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,664
Translated headword: interrex
Vetting Status: high
Translation: After the death of Romulus, with Rome in anarchy, for a whole year the senate exercized authority over public affairs, allocating executive power for five days at a time to the most distinguished of the senators; to these it gave the name interreges.
Greek Original:*mesobasileu/s: meta\ qa/naton *(rwmu/lou, a)narxi/as ou)/shs e)n th=| *(rw/mh|, e)niauto\n o(/lon h( su/gklhtos to\ ku=ros tw=n koinw=n ei)=xe pragma/twn penqh/meron a)rxh\n toi=s e)pifaneste/rois tw=n bouleutw=n e)k diadoxh=s katane/mousa: ou(\s mesobasilei=s w)no/masen.
The headword
mesobasileu/s is a loan-translation of the Latin
interrex (LSJ entry at web address 1); again, in the plural, at
nu 515, q.v. For this extraordinary office of the early and middle Roman Republic see OCD(4) p.739.
The present entry's material, at any rate from 'for a whole year' onwards, is John of
Antioch fr.32 FHG (4.553), now 59 Roberto.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; definition; ethics; historiography; history; law; mythology; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 July 2001@04:35:00.
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