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Headword: *meri\s ou) pni/c
Adler number: mu,630
Translated headword: a portion (and) not a choker
Vetting Status: high
With the stronger seizing food from the weaker and choking on it, since they were not able to help themselves, apportioning was thought of; and each man, taking the same as each, used to declare "a portion, not a choker".[1]
Alternatively, write it thus: "a portion does not choke". So when the powerful used to snatch, there was a choker; but when the [sc. idea of a] portion was thought of, the poor used to say, "a portion, not a choker."[2]
Greek Original:
*meri\s ou) pni/c: tw=n dunatwte/rwn a(rpazo/ntwn ta\s trofa\s tw=n a)sqeneste/rwn kai\ e)pi\ tou/tw| e)kei/nwn pnigome/nwn, e)pei\ a)/ra au(toi=s bohqei=n ou)k h)du/nanto, e)penoh/qh o( diamerismo/s: kai\ e(/kastos e(ka/stw| to\ i)/son lamba/nwn e)pefw/nei, meri\s ou) pni/c. h)\ ou(/tws gra/fe, meri\s ou) pni/gei. o(/te ou)=n oi( dunatoi\ h(/rpazon, h)=n pni/c: o(/te de\ e)penoh/qh h( meri/s, e)/legon oi( pe/nhtes, meri\s ou) pni/c.
cf. Apostolius 11.26, and generally mu 629.
[1] Also in Photius mu283 Theodoridis, from Pausanias the Atticist (mu12).
[2] cf. Zenobius 5.23.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; economics; ethics; food; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 March 2009@09:05:09.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 20 March 2009@00:52:09.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword) on 20 March 2009@04:34:24.
David Whitehead on 16 May 2013@06:13:11.


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