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Adler number: mu,63
Translated headword: Makedonios, Macedonius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man displayed the most evil deeds against the Christians and set the capstone on[1] the evils which he had done: for learning that very many of the Novatian religion[2] belonged to the nation of the Paphlagonians,[3] and especially to Mantin[e]
ion,[4] and realizing that it was not possible to drive out such a multitude by means of ecclesiastical men, he made four times as many soldiers to be sent against
Paphlagonia by the authority of the emperor, so that from the fear of the great number they would accept the Arian opinion. But those there, out of zeal for their religion, took reckless action against the soldiers; [...] and when an encounter took place masses of the Paphlagonians fell, and of the soldiers all but a few. [...] On account of this he gave offense to the emperor, especially because he transferred the relics of Constantine the Great[5] (for the people tried to prevent this, saying that it was impious); and meeting in battle very many fell. But later Macedonius also was killed.
Greek Original:*makedo/nios: ou(=tos plei=sta o(/sa kaka\ kata\ *xristianw=n e)nedei/cato kai\ to\n kolofw=na tw=n kakw=n, oi(=s e)/drasen, e)piti/qhsi: puqo/menos ga\r kata\ to\ *paflago/nwn e)/qnos plei/stous ei)=nai th=s *nauatikh=s qrhskei/as, kai\ ma/lista kata\ to\ *manti/nion, sunidw/n te w(s ou)x oi(=o/n te tosou=ton plh=qos di' e)kklhsiastikw=n a)nqrw/pwn e)lau/nesqai, tetrari/q- mous stratiw/tas gnw/mh| tou= basile/ws e)pi\ th\n *paflagoni/an pemfqh=nai pepoi/hken, o(/pws fo/bw| tw=n plei/stwn th\n *)areianikh\n do/can prosde/cwntai. oi( de\ e)kei=se zh/lw| th=s qrhskei/as a)ponoi/a| kata\ tw=n stratiwtw=n e)xrh/santo: kai\ sumbolh=s genome/nhs tw=n me\n *paflago/nwn suxnoi\ pi/ptousi, tw=n de\ stratiwtw=n plh\n o)li/gwn pa/ntes. dia\ tou=to prose/krouse tw=| basilei=, a)/llws te kai\ o(/ti mete/qhke ta\ lei/yana tou= mega/lou *kwnstanti/nou: oi( ga\r laoi\ diekw/luon tou=to, a)no/sion ei)=nai le/gontes: kai\ sumbalo/ntes ma/xh| polloi\ o(/soi pi/ptousin. u(/steron de\ kai\ kaqh|re/qh o( *makedo/nios.
Lightly abridged from Socrates,
Ecclesiastical History 2.38 (translation at web address 1). On Macedonius, Arian patriarch of Constantinople (342-360), see Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 2.
[1] For this image cf. generally
kappa 1955.
[2] See under Nauatos (
nu 50).
[3] In northern Asia Minor. See generally Stephen Mitchell in OCD(4) s.v., and cf.
pi 826.
[4] Barrington Atlas map 86 grid C3.
kappa 2284.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 April 2009@01:08:52.
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