[Meaning he/she/it] might keep in mind.[1] Accented like this with a circumflex on the penultimate syllable, as Herodian [says] in his
Homeric Prosody.
Aristophanes in
Wealth [writes]: "so that wearing my cloak he might remember me."[2]
*memnh=|to: mimnh/skoito. ou(/tw properispwme/nws, w(s *(hrwdiano\s e)n th=| *(omhrikh=| prosw|di/a|. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: i(/na tou)mo\n i(ma/tion forw=n memnh=|to/ mou.
[1] The headword, extracted from the quotation (eventually) given, is optative of
me/mnhmai, third person singular. For the verb, see also
mu 567,
mu 568.
Wealth [
Plutus] 991 (web address 1), with scholion; cf. scholion A on
Iliad 23.361. Aelius Herodian,
De prosodia catholica 3.1.463, discusses the accentuation; in other places, including
*peri\ *)iliakh=s prosw|di/as, he discusses why the vowel is
eta rather than
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