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Adler number: mu,56
Translated headword: Makarios, Macarius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There were two Macarii of the same name, famous for asceticism, for their life-style, for their character, for their learning. The Egyptian[1] was a wonder-worker and along with his piety was austere with those who met [him]; the Alexandrian, although he was in all respects similar to the Egyptian, was cheerful with those who met [him] and by his charming ways led the young to asceticism. When Evagrius[2] became a disciple of these men he acquired philosophy in deeds, having previously been a philosopher in word only. In Constantinople he was ordained to the order of deacon by Gregory the Theologian;[3] but when he came to Egypt and met the aforementioned men he imitated their way of life. Some very excellent books were written by him: among these one is entitled The Monk or On Active Virtue; another The Gnostic or On those who are deemed worthy of knowledge (it has 50 chapters); the Antirrhetic against the demons of temptation [is] divided into 8 parts, in accordance with the number of the 8 arguments; and 600 Prognostic Problems; and two Stichera [in verse], one addressed to the monks in monastic communities or synods and one addressed to the virgin. And he says this, word for word: "It is necessary to inquire the way correctly from those monks who have traveled the road before and to correct oneself according to their ways, for there are many things said and done well by them. Among them also someone said this, that the drier and [not] irregular diet, assumed with love, leads a monk more quickly to passionlessness."[4]
Greek Original:*maka/rios: du/o e)ge/nonto *maka/rioi o(mw/numoi kai\ peribo/htoi di' a)/skhsin, dia\ bi/on, dia\ tro/pon, dia\ ta\ maqh/mata. o( me\n *ai)gu/ptios qaumatourgo\s h)=n kai\ meta\ tou= eu)labou=s pro\s tou\s e)ntugxa/nontas au)sthro/s, o( de\ *)alecandreu\s kata\ pa/nta w)\n paraplh/sios tw=| *ai)gupti/w| pro\s tou\s e)ntugxa/nontas h)=n i(laro\s kai\ tw=| xarienti/zesqai tou\s ne/ous h)=ge pro\s a)/skhsin. tou/twn *eu)a/grios geno/menos maqhth\s th\n di' e)/rgwn filosofi/an e)kth/sato, pro/teron lo/gw| mo/nw| filo/sofos w)/n: o(\s e)n *kwnstantinoupo/lei u(po\ *grhgori/ou tou= qeolo/gou ei)s th\n tou= diako/nou proexeiri/sqh ta/cin: a)lla\ kai\ e)s th\n *ai)/gupton katelqw\n kai\ toi=s prolexqei=sin e)ntuxw\n a)ndra/si to\n e)kei/nwn bi/on e)zh/lwse. tou/tw| kai\ bibli/a a)/gan spoudai=a sugge/graptai: w(=n to\ me\n *monaxo\s h)\ peri\ praktikh=s e)pige/graptai, to\ de\ *gnwstiko\s h)\ peri\ tw=n kataciwqe/ntwn gnw/sews: kefa/laia de\ au)tou= n#: to\ de\ *)antirrhtiko\n pro\s tou\s peira/zontas dai/monas e)n h# dih|rhme/non me/resi, kata\ to\n a)riqmo\n tw=n h# logismw=n: kai\ x# *prognwstika\ problh/mata: kai\ *stixhra\ du/o, e(\n pro\s tou\s e)n koinobi/ois h)\ sunodi/ais monaxou\s kai\ e(\n pro\s th\n parqe/non. kai/ fhsi kata\ le/cin ou(/tws: a)nagkai=on ta\s o(dou\s tw=n proodeusa/ntwn monaxw=n o)rqw=s dierwta=n kai\ pro\s au)ta\s katorqou=sqai: polla\ ga/r e)stin u(p' au)tw=n r(hqe/nta te kai\ praxqe/nta kalw=s: e)n oi(=s kai\ tou=to/ tis e)/fhsen, o(/ti th\n chrote/ran kai\ a)nw/malon di/aitan, a)ga/ph| suzeuxqei=san, qa=tton dia/gein to\n monaxo\n ei)s a)pa/qeian.
On the two saints
Macarius, see Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[1] That is, from upper Egypt, as distinct from Alexandria.
[2] Evagrius of Pontus:
epsilon 3365.
[3] Gregory of Nazianzus:
gamma 450.
[4] From Socrates,
Ecclesiastical History 3.23.30-41 (translation at web address 2). Socrates' text has
mh\ "not" before
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 April 2009@11:45:22.
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