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Headword: *melxisede/k
Adler number: mu,546
Translated headword: Melchizedek
Vetting Status: high
[Melchizedek,] a priest not of Jews alone, but also of gentiles. Thus Christ too presented himself to God not on behalf of Jews alone, but on behalf of all mankind. He began his priestly office in the night during which he awaited his passion; he took bread and gave thanks and broke it and said: "take, eat, etc."
This Melchizedek was alive during the time of Abraham. [He was] a god-fearing man, a gentile, descended from the race of Sidon, son of Aigyptos, king of Libya. [It was he] who became a priest and king of the Canaanites and founded the city on the mount called Sion and named it Jerusalem, which is the city of peace. And he ruled there for 113 years.[1]
Greek Original:
*melxisede/k, i(ereu\s ou)k *)ioudai/wn mo/non, a)lla\ kai\ e)qnw=n. ou(/tw kai\ o( *xristo\s ou)x u(pe\r *)ioudai/wn mo/non a)lla\ kai\ u(pe\r pa/ntwn a)nqrw/pwn e(auto\n prosenh/noxe tw=| qew=|. a)/rxetai de\ th=s i(erwsu/nhs e)n th=| nukti/, meq' h(\n to\ pa/qos u(pe/meinen, h(ni/ka labw\n a)/rton kai\ eu)xaristh/sas e)/klase kai\ ei)=pe: la/bete, fa/gete, kai\ ta\ e(ch=s. ou(=tos o( *melxisede\k e)pi\ *)abraa\m h)/kmazen, a)nh\r qeosebh/s, e)qniko/s, katago/menos e)k tou= ge/nous *si/dou, ui(ou= *ai)gu/ptou, basile/ws th=s *libu/hs. o(/stis gino/menos i(ereu\s kai\ basileu\s tw=n *xananai/wn e)/ktise po/lin e)n tw=| o)/rei tw=| legome/nw| *siw\n kai\ e)ka/lesen au)th\n *)ierousalh/m, o(/per e)sti\n ei)rh/nhs po/lis: kai\ e)basi/leusen e)n au)th=| rig# e)/th.
See also mu 544, mu 545.
[1] cf. George the Monk, Chronicon 101.15ff. For Sion see sigma 468; for Jerusalem see iota 190, iota 194.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 July 2000@15:24:48.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Modified translation; raised status.) on 19 September 2000@21:26:15.
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added notes; augmented keywords) on 30 July 2003@07:44:53.
Nicholas Fincher (corrected spelling) on 31 July 2003@01:07:50.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 5 December 2003@00:48:06.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 15 May 2013@06:57:41.
David Whitehead on 17 May 2016@10:59:56.


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