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Headword: *melxisede/k
Adler number: mu,544
Translated headword: Melchizedek
Vetting Status: high
Priest of God and king of the Canaanites. This man founded a city on the mountain called Zion and named it Salem, which is a city of peace; in it he ruled for 113 years and then died a righteous and chaste man. He is said to be without a geneology because he was not of the line of Abraham in any way, nor did he have any pedigree at all; he was of the race of the Canaanites and he sprang from that cursed race, from which it was not right for him to have a pedigree. For it is not proper that one who has attained the height of righteousness be connected with the race at the height of injustice; therefore he is said to be fatherless and motherless. For he was clearly a Canaanite in race and being one of them he ruled and was king over the regions of the Canaanites and lived near most wicked Sodom. And Salem, which he ruled as king, is the most famed Jerusalem, for it did not yet carry the whole name of "Jerusalem", then it took also the prefix of "jeru" with "Salem" adding a syllable and with synapheia, it was called "Jerusalem".[1] He was called fatherless and motherless because he was without genealogy. But when you hear from the Melchizadekites that he was called a god,[2] remember the apostolic saying, that he is of another tribe;[3] that is, of [the] Canaanites.
Greek Original:
*melxisede/k, i(ereu\s tou= qeou= kai\ basileu\s tw=n *xananai/wn. ou(=tos kti/sas po/lin e)n tw=| o)/rei tw=| legome/nw| *siw\n e)pwno/masen au)th\n *salh/m, o(/ e)stin ei)rh/nhs po/lis: e)n h(=| basileu/sas e)/th rig# e)teleu/thse di/kaios kai\ parqe/nos. a)genealo/ghtos de\ ei)/rhtai para\ to\ mh\ u(pa/rxein e)k tou= spe/rmatos *)abraa\m o(/lws mhde\ genealogei=sqai to\ para/pan, ei)=nai de\ *xananai=on to\ ge/nos kai\ e)k th=s e)para/tou spora=s o(rmw/menos, o(/qen ou)de\ genealogi/as h)ci/wto. ou) ga\r prepwde/staton h)=n to\n th=s a)/kras dikaiosu/nhs e)peilhmme/non sumple/kein tw=| th=s a)/kras a)diki/as ge/nei: dio\ kai\ a)pa/tora kai\ a)mh/tora tou=ton ei)=nai/ fasin. o(/ti de\ *xananai=os h)=n to\ ge/nos eu)/dhlon kai\ a)f' w(=n e)kra/tei kai\ e)basi/leue klima/twn tw=n *xananai/wn kai\ oi(=s e)plhsi/aze ponhrota/tois *sodo/mois. kai\ me/ntoi kai\ h( *salh/m, h(=s u(ph=rxe basileu/s, h( poluqru/llhtos *(ierousalh/m e)stin, ou)de/pw to\ o(/lon o)/noma fe/rousa th=s *(ierousalh/m, e)k prosqh/khs de\ th=s i(erou= meta\ th\n *salh\m proslamba/nousa sullabh\n kai\ kata\ suna/feian o)nomasqei=sa *(ierousalh/m: dia\ de\ to\ a)genealo/ghton le/getai a)pa/twr kai\ a)mh/twr. o(/tan de\ a)kou/sh|s para\ tw=n *melxisedekitw=n, o(/ti qeo\s o)noma/zetai, mnh/sqhti tou= *)apostolikou=, o(/ti e(te/ras genea=s e)sti: toute/stin *xananai/wn.
George the Monk, Chronicon 1.102.1-103.2; 103.25ff. See also mu 545, mu 546, and Genesis 14.18-20 LXX.
[1] In Greek, "Jeru" is "hierou", which means "holy". Salem has a listing at sigma 54.
[2] The Melchizadekites (*melxisedekianoi/ or, as here, *melxisedeki=tai) were "members of a sect holding Melchizedek to be or represent a divine power": Lampe s.v., citing e.g. Epiphanius, Panarion (PG 41.972a).
[3] Hebrews 7:13: in other words, he was a foreigner but only a human being.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 July 2000@15:25:38.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added note and keywords) on 5 December 2003@00:46:55.
Catharine Roth (added another cross-reference) on 5 December 2003@00:50:14.
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added note) on 5 December 2003@00:56:10.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 5 December 2003@03:42:32.
Catharine Roth (added note) on 5 December 2003@13:12:54.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 15 May 2013@06:51:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 8 November 2014@11:36:12.
David Whitehead (coding) on 17 May 2016@10:58:21.


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