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Search results for mu,538 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,538
Translated headword: I am about [to do], I put off [doing]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] in reference to I am slow [sc. to do something].[1] And [used] in in reference to future time in
Sophocles [writes]: "for always putting off doing something I have destroyed my present and absent hopes."[3]
Aristophanes [writes]: "I beg you not, except when I am about to vomit." That is, if you say [it] in full, "Say [it] then, when I am about to vomit" -- so that I may vomit [it] up once and for all, and not both then and when you say [it]. Or thus: "say [it] then, if you wish, watching out for when I am about to vomit; for I would vomit [it] up most easily if you say [it]."[4]
Greek Original:*me/llw: e)pi\ tou= bradu/nw. kai\ e)pi\ tou= e)some/nou xro/nou para\ *qoukudi/dh|. kai\ *sofoklh=s: me/llwn ga\r a)ei\ dra=n ti ta\s ou)/sas te/ mou kai\ ta\s a)pou/sas e)lpi/das die/fqeira. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: mh\ dh=q' i(keteu/w, plh\n o(/tan me/llw 'cemei=n. toute/stin ei) o(/lws le/geis, to/te ei)pe/, o(/te me/llw e)cemei=n: i(/na a(/pac e)me/sw kai\ mh\ kai\ to/te kai\ o(/te le/geis: h)\ ou(/tws: to/te, fhsi/, le/ge, e)a\n qe/lh|s, e)pithrh/sas, o(/te me/llw e)cemei=n: r(a=|sta ga\r a)\n ma=llon e)ceme/saimi, e)a\n ei)/ph|s.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; medicine; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 May 2009@19:12:28.
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