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Search results for mu,526 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,526
Translated headword: honeycake
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A barleycake soaked in honey, which they used to take, apparently, to the snakes producing the oracular responses at Trophonius' [oracle]. It is in
Lebadeia.[1] Honeycake [is] an epithet of well-kneaded cakes.[2] Note that the honeycake used to be provided for corpses, as [if] to be given to Cerberus; and an obol as fee for the ferryman [sc. Charon [
Myth]], and a crown, as [if] having competed in life's struggle [sc. deserves a prize].[3]
Greek Original:*melitou=tta: ma/za me/liti dedeume/nh, h(\n e)/feron, w(s e)do/koun, toi=s o)/fesi toi=s e)s *trofwni/ou manteuome/nois. e)n *lebadei/a| e)sti/n. h( melitou=tta e)pi/qeton tw=n nastw=n. i)ste/on, o(/ti h( melitou=tta e)di/doto toi=s nekroi=s, w(s ei)s to\n *ke/rberon: kai\ o)bolo\s misqo\s tw=| porqmei=, kai\ ste/fanos, w(s to\n bi/on dihgwnisme/nos.
Keywords: athletics; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; geography; imagery; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 June 2008@04:43:50.
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