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Search results for mu,519 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,519
Translated headword: Maltese lap-dog
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "For some dogs are trackers, others go head-to-head with beasts; some watch the house on guard over possessions, others [are kept] for pleasure, for instance Maltese lap-dogs.[1]
Also [sc. attested are] Honey-pie dogs, ones reared for pleasure.[2]
Greek Original:*melitai=on kuni/dion. tw=n ga\r kunw=n oi( me\n i)xneutai/, oi( de\ o(mo/se toi=s qhri/ois xwrou=sin, oi( de\ e)pi\ fulakh=| tw=n kthma/twn oi)kouroi/, oi( de\ e)pi\ te/ryei, w(s ta\ *melitai=a kuni/dia. kai\ *melithroi\ ku/nes, oi( e)pi\ te/ryei trefo/menoi.
Artemidorus 2.11. For other references to them see LSJ s.v.
Melitaios. For the diminutive
kuni/dion, see
kappa 2708.
[2] [Occasion for mentioning these arises from the similarity between
*melitai=oi ("Maltese") and
melithro/s ("honey-sweet").] This phrase is also in the paroemiographer
Apostolius (11.24), who expands with the material already given here.
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; imagery; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 21 March 2002@20:39:35.
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