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Adler number: mu,507
Translated headword: meline, millet
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in [the]
Philippic[s] [sc. uses the word].[1] It is a pulse, and grammatically masculine; for[2]
Sophocles and
Herodotus and
Xenophon made it feminine.[3] But the same
Xenophon, in
Anabasis, spoke of [sc. masculine]
melinos and
melinoi.[4] Some consider
meline a kind of
kenchrios, which some call
elymos; but
Theophrastus in [book] 7 of
On Plants lists these as different - "
kenchros or
meline or
Greek Original:*meli/nh: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n *filippikw=|. o)/sprio/n e)stin: o(/per kai\ a)rsenikw=s le/getai: *sofoklh=s me\n ga\r kai\ *(hro/dotos kai\ *cenofw=n qhlukw=s ei)=pon meli/nhn. *cenofw=n de\ o( au)to\s e)n *)anaba/sei kai\ me/linon kai\ meli/nous ei)=pen. e)/nioi de\ ei)=do/s ti kegxri/ou nomi/zousi th\n meli/nhn, o(/per tina\s kalei=n e)/lumon. *qeo/frastos de\ e)n z# *peri\ futw=n w(s diafe/ronta tau=ta a)nagra/fei ke/gxron h)\ meli/nhn h)\ e)/lumon.
An abridgement of Harpokration s.v. For the word, a variety of millet, see already
mu 506; and on the botanical classification of millets, R. Sallares,
The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World (London 1991) index s.v., esp. 492-3.
Demosthenes 8.45 (cf. 14.16). [NB this reflects the broad ancient classification, not the narrower modern one, of which Demosthenic speeches are "Philippics".]
[2] A faulty connection: we needed "but".
Sophocles fr.69 Radt;
Herodotus 3.117.4;
Anabasis 1.2.22, 1.5.10.
[4] The passage in question, as Harpok. shows, is 6.4.6 -- but modern editions print
meli/nas there.
Enquiry into Plants 8.1.1.
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; historiography; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 September 2001@08:40:13.
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