*mellh/sas: u(perqe/menos, bradu/nas. kai\ e)pi\ tou= spouda/sas.
Same entry in other lexica (see the references at
Photius mu248 Theodoridis), and in a scholion on
Thucydides 1.86.2, where
mellh/somen and
me/llousi occur (in the short speech by the Spartan ephor Sthenelaidas). The present headword must be quoted from somewhere else; perhaps
Demosthenes 54.40, though there are numerous other possibilities.
[1] Aorist participle of
me/llw, masculine nominative singular; cf.
epsilon 973,
mu 538,
mu 539.
[2] With single lambda, from
me/lw: cf.
mu 493,
mu 539,
mu 540.
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