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Search results for mu,477 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,477
Translated headword: idle, miserable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] vain, miserable, tormented, unhappy.[1]
The Poet accepts the [word] "idle" for [the meaning] "vain", whereas the tragedians [do so] for "pitiful."[2]
Greek Original:*me/leos: ma/taios, a)/qlios, talai/pwros, dustuxh/s. o( me\n poihth\s e)pi\ tou= matai/ou e)kde/xetai to\ me/leos, oi( de\ tragikoi\ e)pi\ tou= oi)ktrou=.
[1] Likewise in the
Photius mu230 Theodoridis, and the
Lexica Segueriana. "Vain" is already the gloss in
Iliad 23.795,
Hesychius mu678, and
Platonic Lexicon.
[2] i.e.
Homer ("the Poet") uses the word to mean "idle" (LSJ s.v.
me/leos I), e.g. at
Iliad 16.336 (see the
scholia there), while the post-Homeric sense is "miserable" (LSJ s.v. II), as shown in the tragedians, e.g.
Seven Against Thebes 779.
Keywords: definition; epic; ethics; tragedy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 10 May 2009@08:08:54.
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