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Headword: *mai+ouma=s
Adler number: mu,47
Translated headword: Maioumas, May Day
Vetting Status: high
A festival used to be celebrated at Rome in the month of May. Occupying the coastal city, the one which is called Ostia,[1] those who held the first rank of Rome condescended to amuse themselves, throwing each other into the waters of the sea. From this the time of such a festival was named Maioumas.[2] Those in the city of Constantine used to celebrate a festival of the Brutoi[3] up to the time of the emperor Anastasius; and Anastasius abolished this.[4] But the Romans also used to celebrate a festival of dogs in the month of August, killing them because of the capture by the Gauls, because they remained barkless, while the geese cried out.[5]
Greek Original:
*mai+ouma=s: panh/guris h)/geto e)n th=| *(rw/mh| kata\ to\n *ma/i+on mh=na. th\n para/lion katalamba/nontes po/lin, th\n legome/nhn *)osti/an, oi( ta\ prw=ta th=s *(rw/mhs telou=ntes h(dupaqei=n h)nei/xonto, e)n toi=s qalatti/ois u(/dasin a)llh/lous e)mba/llontes. o(/qen kai\ *mai+ouma=s o( th=s toiau/ths e(orth=s kairo\s w)noma/zeto. e)te/loun de\ me/xris *)anastasi/ou basile/ws oi( e)n *kwnstanti/nou po/lei panh/gurin tw=n *brutw=n: kai\ tau/thn *)anasta/sios e)/pause. kai\ th\n tw=n kunw=n de\ e)te/loun panh/gurin oi( *(rwmai=oi kata\ to\n *au)/gouston mh=na, a)nairou=ntes au)tou\s e)k th=s a(lw/sews th=s u(po\ *ga/llwn, dio/ti a)nu/laktoi e)/meinan, tw=n xhnw=n e)kbohsa/ntwn.
[1] omega 246.
[2] cf. Johannes Laurentius Lydus, De mensibus [On months] 4.80.25 (FHG 5.1.31). Note, however, that the etymology has been connected, instead, with the Semitic word for water (may) (Hebrew מַיִם mayim)
[3] Mentioned by Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, De insidiis 143.2.
[4] alpha 2077. Joshua the Stylite places this particular event in the year 501/2.
[5] On the legend of geese saving the Capitol see the note at mu 218.
G.W. Bowersock, 'Maioumas', in G.W. Bowersock, P. Brown and O. Grabar (eds.), Late Antiquity: a guide to the post-classical world (1999)
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 May 2008@11:12:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks) on 11 May 2008@04:56:23.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 11 May 2008@06:06:45.
Raphael Finkel (added Hebrew) on 5 June 2008@12:36:25.
David Whitehead on 28 April 2013@08:30:47.
David Whitehead (coding) on 17 May 2016@05:51:45.


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