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Adler number: mu,463
Translated headword: Melantias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Thracian village which many call Melitias, 102 stades distant from
Byzantium. Beside it flows the Athyras river, which, after proceeding a little further and bending slightly in the direction of the Kaikia wind,[1] empties its flow into the Propontis; hence too the harbour-town at the end bears its name.
Greek Original:*melantia/s, kw/mh th=s *qra/|khs h( nu=n para\ polloi=s legome/nh *melitia/s, b# kai\ r# stadi/ous diestw=sa tou= *buzanti/ou. pararrei= de\ au)th\n *)aqu/ras potamo/s, o(\s o)li/gon ti proelqw\n kai\ e)pi\ a)/nemon *kaiki/an o)li/gon ti h)re/ma e)kkli/nas e)s *proponti/da to\n r(ou=n a)pereu/getai: o(/qen kai\ to\ pro\s a)kth=| e)pi/neion th\n a)p' au)tou= fe/retai proshgori/an.
This material derives from
Histories 5.14 (where the headword appears in the accusative case, and he states the distance to be 140 stades).
For Melantias see Barrington Atlas map 52 grid D2.
kappa 1164.
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 March 2009@09:23:41.
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