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Adler number: mu,453
Translated headword: more restrained than Melanion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes in
Lysistrata [writes]: this man "fleeing a marriage sought solitude and lived in the mountains, and kept a dog, and then hunted hares [...], and no longer went home because of hatred, so much did he abominate women; and we [do so] no less, more restrained than Melanion."
Greek Original:*melani/wnos swfrone/steros: *)aristofa/nhs *lusistra/th|: ou(=tos feu/gwn ga/mon a)fi/ket' e)s e)rhmi/an ka)n toi=s o)/resin w)/|kei, kai\ ku/na tin' ei)=xe, ka)=|t' e)lagoqh/rei, kou)k e)/t' h)=lqen oi)/kad' u(po\ mi/sous. ou(/tw ta\s gunai=kas e)bdelu/xqh e)kei=nos: h(mei=s d' ou)de\n h(=tton tou= *melani/wnos swfrone/steroi.
A rough-and-ready version of
Lysistrata 784/5-795/6. (The text preferred by modern editors does not in fact contain the present headword phrase: see web address 1.)
Me(i)lanion gave his name to a lost comedy by
Antiphanes; and see also e.g.
On Hunting 1.2.7;
Apollodorus 3.9.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 July 2006@07:51:28.
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