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Search results for mu,449 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,449
Translated headword: may you meet a black-bottom
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Black-bottoms were braggarts, sons of Limne. When they were behaving most disgracefully, their mother said they should watch out in case they fell in with a hairy-arse. So when they had fallen in with Heracles they were tied up on a [?]pole. Then he saw them laughing and bending down, and he asked the reason. They replied that it was a saying of their mother's, "we will fall in with a hairy-arse"; and Heracles laughed and released them from their ties.[1]
[Note] that white-bottomed men used to be ridiculed in comedy as effeminate.[2]
Greek Original:*melampu/gou tu/xois: *mela/mpugoi e)ge/nonto pe/rperoi, *li/mnhs ui(oi/. a)kolastaino/ntwn au)tw=n polla/, h( mh/thr e)/lege fula/ssesqai mh/pote e)mpe/swsin ei)s dasu/prwkton. e)mpeso/ntes ou)=n ei)s *(hrakle/a e)n a)nwfo/rw| e)de/qhsan. ei)=ta o(rw=n au)tou\s gelw=ntas kai\ kataku/ptontas e)punqa/neto th\n ai)ti/an. oi( de\ e)/legon, o(/ti lo/gion h)=n to\ th=s mhtro/s, e)mpesei=sqai h(ma=s ei)s dasu/prwkton: kai\ gela/santa to\n *(hrakle/a a)fei=nai au)tou\s tw=n desmw=n. o(/ti tou\s leukopu/gous w(s gunaikw/deis e)kwmw/|doun.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; mythology; proverbs; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 August 2006@05:41:53.
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