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Search results for mu,441 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,441
Translated headword: kottabos-drunkards
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A drop of wine, a bronze bowl; which during dinner they set full of wine, then pouring wine into small cups they used to toss [drops] from a height into it so as to make a noise, which was called kottabos. The [drop] which made the biggest noise was praised. So out of this [comes the word] methusokottaboi ["kottabos-drunkards"].
Greek Original:*mequsoko/ttaboi: la/tac, xalkh= fia/lh: h(\n metacu\ tou= dei/pnou e)ti/qesan oi)/nou peplhrwme/nhn, ei)=ta ei)s mikra\ poth/ria e)mbalo/ntes oi)=non, ei)s tau/thn a)po\ u(/yous e)rri/ptoun e)pi\ tw=| yo/fon e)ktele/sai, o(\s e)kalei=to ko/ttabos. e)ph|nei=to de\ o( mei/zona yo/fon poiw=n. e)k tou/tou ou)=n mequsoko/ttabos.
From a scholion on
Acharnians 525, where the nominative plural headword occurs (web address 1); cf.
kappa 2154.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 February 2009@21:58:28.
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