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Search results for mu,432 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,432
Translated headword: Methodios, Methodius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Bishop of Olympus or of
Patara in
Lycia, and later of Tyre. He assembled volumes of splendid and well-composed discourse against
Porphyry;[1] also a
Symposium of twelve virgins, and an excellent discourse
On the Resurrection against
Origen,[2] and another against the same
On the Pythonissa, and
On Freewill. He also wrote commentaries on
Genesis and on the
Song of Songs, and many other things which are frequently read. Around the end of the persecution under Decius and Valerian[3] he was crowned with martyrdom at Chalcis in the east.[4]
Greek Original:*meqo/dios, *)olu/mpou *luki/as h)/toi *pata/rwn, kai\ meta\ tau=ta *tu/rou e)pi/skopos, lamprou= kai\ sugkeime/nou lo/gou kata\ *porfuri/ou sune/tace teu/xh: kai\ *sumpo/sion de/ka parqe/nwn, kai\ peri\ *)anasta/sews lo/gon a)/riston kata\ *)wrige/nous, kai\ e(/teron kata\ tou= au)tou= peri\ *puqoni/sshs, kai\ peri\ au)tecousi/ou. e)/graye de\ kai\ ei)s th\n *ge/nesin kai\ ei)s ta\ *)/a|smata tw=n a)|sma/twn u(pomnh/mata: kai\ e(/tera polla\ xu/dhn a)naginwsko/mena. o(\s peri\ ta\ teleutai=a tou= diwgmou= e)pi\ *deki/ou kai\ *balerianou= e)n *xalki/di th=s a)natolh=s marturi/w| e)ste/fqh.
De viris illustribus 83 (web address 1). Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 2; see also W. Kinzig in OCD(4) s.v.
pi 2098.
[2] For
Origen, see
omega 182.
[3] Mid C3.
[4] The qualifier distinguishes this Chalkis [
Place], in
Syria, from e.g. the Aegean Chalkis (on the island of Euboea).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 December 2003@00:51:26.
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