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Search results for mu,397 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,397
Translated headword: size
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that size [is] of two kinds. A common perception. "By analogy [this] can be understood in application to both smell and taste; for these are also capable of perceiving their own kind of size, the sense of smell though odours, and the sense of taste through juices — although customary usage does not know it by the name 'size'".[1]
Greek Original:*me/geqos: o(/ti ditto\n to\ me/geqos. koinh\ ai)/sqhsis. du/natai de\ kata\ a)nalogi/an kai\ e)pi\ o)sfrh/sews lamba/nesqai kai\ geu/sews: ei)si\ ga\r kai\ au(=tai tou= oi)kei/ou mege/qous a)ntilhptikai/, h( me\n tou= e)n o)smai=s, h( de\ tou= e)n xumoi=s: ei) kai\ mh\ oi)=den h( sunh/qeia to\ tou= mege/qous o)/noma.
[1] John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 315.13-16 Hayduck -- commenting here on
de anima 418a17 (which argues that what the different senses perceive are consistent with each other). The Suda's paraphrase simplifies this into "two kinds of size": presumably, that directly sensed by touch and sight, and the perception consistent with size through smell and taste — but all senses perceive the same thing in common.
Keywords: definition; food; philosophy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 4 May 2009@08:34:50.
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