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Headword: *megari/sai
Adler number: mu,388
Translated headword: to Megarise
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to hold the views of a Megarian.[1] For "Stilpon the philosopher was from Megara, in Greece;[2] [it was he] who so far excelled the rest in inventiveness and sophistry that almost the whole of Greece looked away from others to him [and chose] to Megarise".[3]
Greek Original:
*megari/sai: ta\ *megare/ws doca/sai. *sti/lpwn ga\r o( filo/sofos *megareu\s h)=n, th=s *(ella/dos: o(\s tosou=ton eu(rhsilogi/a| kai\ sofistei/a| proh=ge tou\s a)/llous, w(s mikrou= deh=sai pa=san th\n *(ella/da a)forw=san ei)s au)to\n megari/sai.
[1] The headword is the aorist infinitive of the verb megari/zw, used in the passage about to be quoted. This is one of that verb's two senses: see LSJ s.v. and mu 384.
[2] Compare epsilon 3539, and contrast theta 136.
[3] Diogenes Laertius 2.113. For Stilpo(n), cf. epsilon 3539, sigma 1114.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 December 2005@09:26:34.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 9 December 2005@12:21:23.
David Whitehead (another note) on 11 December 2005@06:01:24.
David Whitehead on 13 May 2013@09:28:39.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 26 July 2020@19:06:34.


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