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Headword: *megare/wn a)/cioi meri/dos
Adler number: mu,382
Translated headword: worthy of a Megarians' portion; worthy of a Megarians' share
Vetting Status: high
Meaning [those who are] dishonorable.[1] For that is what the Megarians [are] like.[2]
"That such is the matter [sc. involved here] the witnesses [are] notable and clear, not some obscure people, nor [worthy] of the Megarians' portion, but of those who have been reported as pre-eminent in wisdom."[3]
See concerning Megarians in the [entry] Dios Korinthos.[4]
Greek Original:
*megare/wn a)/cioi meri/dos: a)nti\ tou= a)/timoi. toiou=toi ga\r oi( *megarei=s. o(/ti de\ toiou=to/n e)sti to\ pra=gma, dh=loi kai\ safei=s oi( ma/rtures, ou)k a)/docoi/ tines, ou)de\ th=s *megare/wn meri/dos, a)lla\ tw=n a)penegkame/nwn th=s sofi/as ta\ prw=ta. zh/tei peri\ *megare/wn e)n tw=| *dio\s *ko/rinqos.
[1] cf. in brief tau 537.
[2] For Megara, the small Greek city-state lying between Boeotia (north), Attica (east) and Corinthia (south), see also mu 383 (another proverb, mu 384, mu 385, mu 386. Megara -- on the site of the modern Greek city of the same name, where several monuments of the ancient city and a small museum may be visited -- was frequently the cause of disputes between its larger neighbors.
[3] An approximation of Julian (the emperor), Orations 8.249C-D (which does include 'worthy').
[4] delta 1207.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: Amelia Brown on 13 August 2007@12:27:04.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and translation; augmented and modified notes; more keywords) on 14 August 2007@03:30:37.
David Whitehead on 13 May 2013@09:02:07.
David Whitehead on 13 May 2013@09:03:15.


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