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Adler number: mu,35
Translated headword: barley-cake
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Properly the food, the one made of milk and grain,[1] from the [verb] to be kneaded.[2] It is properispomenon.[3] In reference to the dung-beetle
Aristophanes has used it by misapplication. For he does not wish to denote the one kneaded from barley-groats, for this [is] not the food of dung-beetles; instead, excrement -- that is, faeces. The slaves were kneading some bran:[4] for to knead faeces [would be] unbelievable. "Quick, quick, bring the dung-beetle his
maza". [5]
Also [sc. attested is] a saying applying to those who boast about the efforts of others: 'kneading a barley cake, the one I’d kneaded'.[6] "The other day I had just kneaded a Laconian cake at
Pylos, the cunning rogue came behind my back, sneaked it and offered the cake, which was my invention, in his own name"[7] -- one that was already prepared.[8] This he has taken from a story, about which
Thucydides tells us.[9]
Greek Original:*ma=za: kuri/ws h( trofh/, h( a)po\ ga/laktos kai\ si/tou, para\ to\ ma/zesqai. properispa=tai. e)pi\ de\ tou= kanqa/rou *)aristofa/nhs kataxrhstikw=s ke/xrhtai. ou) ga\r th\n e)c a)lfi/twn furaqei=san dhlou=n qe/lei, ou) ga\r au(/th kanqa/rwn trofh/, a)lla\ to\ a)popa/thma, toute/sti th\n ko/pron. pi/tura de/ tina e)/matton oi( oi)ke/tai: ko/pron ga\r fura=n a)/piston. ai)=r', ai)=re ma=zan w(s ta/xista kanqa/rw|. kai\ paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)llotri/ois po/nois e)gkauxwme/nwn: ma=zan memaxw\s th\n u(p' e)mou= memagme/nhn. kai\ prw/|hn g' e)mou= ma=zan memaxo/tos *lakwnikh/n, panourgota/tws paradramw/n, u(farpa/sas au)th\n pare/qhke th\n u(p' e)mou= memagme/nhn kai\ e)n e(toi/mw| genome/nhn. tou=to de\ a)po\ i(stori/as ei)/lhfen, h(=s me/mnhtai *qoukudi/dhs.
For this headword see already
mu 34, and cf.
mu 30,
mu 36. The present entry draws on the
scholia to
Peace 1 and
Knights 54-57; cf.
mu 549,
alpha 110,
alphaiota 280,
alphaiota 299.
si=tos properly means wheat grain (see L. Foxhall and H.A. Forbes,
Chiron 1982, 41-90), but here it must have a less specific sense since
ma=za means barley-bread or barley-cake.
[2] No verb
ma/zw or
ma/zomai is recognised by LSJ, though it has several listings in TLG. LSJ does include
maza/w 'I knead a barley-cake'. But as the general verb
fura/w 'I knead' occurs later in this extract, I have used a different English verb to translate
[3] i.e. accented with a circumflex on the penultimate syllable. According to LSJ s.v., it was deemed properispomenon by the grammarian Herodian (2. 937) but was later paroxytone.
[4] Presumably a comment on the actual staging of the play.
Peace 1 (trans. O’Neill on Perseus: web address 1).
[6] Also quoted at
mu 549 (
memagme/nhn); cf. n.8 below.
Knights 55-57 (trans. O’Neill on Perseus, but with substitution of 'Laconian' for 'Spartan': web address 2). The slave who is a thinly disguised version of General
Demosthenes is speaking about Kleon (
kappa 1731).
[8] At
mu 549 this phrase (from the
scholia) appears before the quotation from
Knights instead of after.
Thucydides 4.26-41.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; military affairs; proverbs; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 27 March 2008@02:40:55.
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