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Search results for mu,298 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,298
Translated headword: Marousians, Moors
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A people, unconquerable by the barbarians in that [region] because of their daring and acuity and because they have practiced attacking in a mass, wherever [the enemy] yields, and retreating swiftly and gathering together again from the retreat, so as to turn around and attack those who are pursuing inattentively and in disorder. But if some mis-step should occur, [it is their policy] not to risk battle with a force of Romans but with an alliance and in particular [an alliance] of barbarians.
Greek Original:*marou/sioi: e)/qnos, a)pro/smaxoi toi=s e)kei/nh| barba/rois u(po\ to/lmhs te kai\ o)cu/thtos kai\ tou= memelethke/nai e)pelau/nein te a)qro/ous, o(/pou parei/ceie, ka)pofeu/gein eu)petw=s kai\ cunauli/zesqai au)=qis e)k th=s fugh=s, w(s u(postre/yantas e)mbalei=n ei)s tou\s a)pronoh/tws te kai\ ou)k e)n ta/cei diw/kontas. ei) de\ kai\ ptai=sma ti gi/gnoito, ou)k e)n stratia=| *(rwmai/wn kinduneu/sein, a)ll' e)n cummaxi/a| te kai\ tau/th| barba/rwn.
Arrian, Parthica fr. 52. The spelling of the ethnic name, however, is there -- and more usually elsewhere (including elsewhere in the Suda) -- Maur-.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 August 2006@01:40:51.
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