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Search results for mu,284 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,284
Translated headword: small-licker
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is knavish about small things, and a glutton. For mátion (as is better accented) [is] something small.[1]
Or someone who eats little, since mation is what they call a minimum. Or someone making decisions in vain [mataia], and waiting in ambush [lochôn], or a cheat in measuring wheat; for a mation [is] a kind of measure.[2] And [matioloichos] should be read with the accent on the ultima, as Herodian says.[3]
Greek Original:*matioloixo/s: o( peri\ ta\ mikra\ panou=rgos, kai\ li/xnos. ma/tion ga\r w(s be/ltion tw=| to/nw|, to\ mikro/n. h)\ o( mikrofa/gos, e)pei\ ma/tion to\ e)la/xisto/n fasin. h)\ o( ma/taia bouleuo/menos, kai\ loxw=n, h)\ o( krousime/trhs: ma/tion ga\r ei)=dos me/trou. o)cuto/nws de\ a)nagnwste/on, w(/s fhsin *(hrwdiano/s.
The headword occurs in
Clouds 451; the commentaries have settled on senses like "greedy", but are clearly guesswork.
See also
mu 285.
[1] Likewise, so far, in
Photius (mu146 Theodoridis).
[2] From the
scholia to the
Aristophanes passage (see above). The
ma/tion (LSJ s.v.) is an Egyptian measure, so the latter etymology is anachronistic. The former etymology is guesswork, and distorts the word into
[3] Herodian,
De Prosodia Catholica p. 231 Lentz,
peri\ o)rqografi/as p. 548 Lentz.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; science and technology
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 23 April 2009@21:33:55.
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