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Adler number: mu,258
Translated headword: Masteira
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in the eighth
Philippic [writes]: "of the wretched [cities] in Thrace - for what else could anyone call Drongilon and Kabyle and Masteira?".[1] But perhaps, instead of Masteira, one should write Basteira or Pisteira or Epimastos. We find these cites in
Anaximenes, in [book] seven of
Matters concerning Philip, but "Masteira" nowhere [else].[2]
Greek Original:*ma/steira: e)n h# *filippikw=n *dhmosqe/nhs: tw=n me\n e)n *qra/|kh| kakw=n: ti/s ga\r a)\n a)/llo tis ei)/poi *droggi/lon kai\ *kabu/lhn kai\ *ma/steiran; mh/pote de\ grapte/on a)nti\ tou= *ma/steiran *ba/steiran h)\ *pi/steiran h)\ *)epi/maston. tau/tas de\ ta\s politei/as eu(ri/skomen par' *)anacime/nei e)n z# tw=n peri\ *fi/lippon, th\n de\ *ma/steiran ou)damou=.
From Harpokration s.v.
Demosthenes 8.44 (web address 1), repeated in [
Demosthenes] 10.15. There, and again in Harpok., "what else" is obviously to be preferred to the "who else" of the Suda mss. For Drongilon see
delta 1531.
Anaximenes FGrH 72 F10.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: geography; historiography; history; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 December 2000@04:32:44.
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