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Search results for mu,255 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,255
Translated headword: jaws; morsel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] something chewed, food.[1]
Both the mouth and the thing chewed are so called as homonyms,[2] like choinix for both the measure and the thing measured.[3]
Greek Original:*ma/staka: ma/shma, trofh/n. le/getai kai\ to\ sto/ma kai\ to\ ma/shma o(mwnu/mws, w(s xoi/nika kai\ to\ me/tron kai\ to\ metrou/menon.
[1] In the accusative, as in both Homeric passages mentioned in note 3 below. So glossed in
Photius (mu126 Theodoridis); and "food" is a common gloss of
ma/stac in earlier authorities.
[2] LSJ s.v.
ma/stac I, "that with which one chews, mouth, jaws"; s.v. II, "mouthful, morsel".
[3] See
chi 590. Paraphrased from the
scholia to
Iliad 9.324, which also refer across to
Odyssey 4.287; and
Apion distinguishes explicitly between the sense "food", as in the
Iliad, and "mouth", as in the
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 21 April 2009@01:59:01.
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