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Search results for mu,248 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,248
Translated headword: leather
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In a special sense [this is] a thong which has been softened and relaxed. So the shifty and uncontrolled man who knows nothing certain or fixed is a masthles there. Or one who is sinewy and needs whipping.[1] From a metaphor of a tanned leather thong. Or [meaning] as vigorous as a leather thong.
Greek Original:*ma/sqlhs: i)di/ws o( memalagme/nos lw=ros kai\ e)/klutos. ma/sqlhs ou)=n e)ntau=qa o( polugnw/mwn kai\ e)/klutos kai\ mhde\n be/baion mhde\ staqero\n ginw/skwn. h)\ o( i(mantw/dhs kai\ mastigi/as. a)po\ metafora=s tou= memalagme/nou i(ma/ntos. h)\ ou(/tws eu)/tonos, w(s i(ma/s.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; imagery; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 June 2002@00:36:59.
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