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Search results for mu,245 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,245
Translated headword: Massanasses, Masinissa
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The king of the Numidians in Libya, a man who was the best and most long-lived kings of our time; he ruled more than 60 years, being very healthy and long-lived; for he lived 90 years. He was the strongest of men of his time in physical condition; when it was neccessary to stand, he remained standing in the same place all day long, and he did not get up again when he was sitting. And he suffered no ill effects from being on a horse day and night. This is a sign of his physical prowess: he was 90 years old, the age when he passed on from this life, and he left a son four years old, whose name was Sthembas, whom Micipses later adopted, and four sons in addition to him.[1] On account of their good relationship with one another, he maintained his kingdom his whole life free from any conspiracy or familial scandal. But this is the greatest thing: although Numidia before his time had been utterly barren and considered inherently unable to produce cultivated crops, he was the first and only one to show that it was able to bear all the cultivated crops no less than any [land], providing for each of the crops separate and productive fields of 10,000 plethra.[2]
Greek Original:*massana/sshs, o( e)n *libu/h| tw=n *noma/dwn basileu/s, a)nh\r tw=n kaq' h(ma=s basile/wn a)/ristos kai\ makariw/tatos: o(\s e)basi/leusen e)/th plei/w tw=n c#, u(gieino/tatos w)\n kai\ poluxroniw/tatos: #4# ga\r e)tw=n e)gego/nei. e)ge/neto de\ kai\ dunamikw/tatos tw=n kaq' e(auto\n kata\ th\n swmatikh\n e(/cin, o(\s o(/te metasth=nai de/oi, sta\s e)n toi=s au)toi=s i)/xnesi di' h(me/ras e)/mene, kaqezo/menos pa/lin ou)k h)gei/reto. kai\ th\n e)pi\ tw=n i(/ppwn kakopa/qeian h(me/ran kai\ nu/kta diakarterw=n ou)de\n e)/pasxe. shmei=on de\ th=s swmatikh=s au)tou= duna/mews: e)/xwn #4# e)/th, kaq' o(\n kairo\n meth/llace to\n bi/on, ui(o\n a)pe/lipe d# e)tw=n, o)/noma *sqemba/n, o(\n meta\ tau=ta *miki/yhs ui(opoih/sato, pro\s de\ tou/tois ui(ou\s d#. dia\ de\ th\n pro\s a)llh/lous tou/twn eu)/noian dieth/rhse to\n o(/lon bi/on pa/shs e)piboulh=s kai\ panto\s oi)kei/ou mia/smatos a)/moiron au(tou= gene/sqai th\n basilei/an: to\ de\ me/giston, th=s *noumadi/as a(pa/shs a)xrh/stou to\n pro\ tou= xro/non u(parxou/shs kai\ nomizome/nhs a)duna/tou fu/sei pro\s h(me/rous karpou\s u(pa/rxein, prw=tos kai\ mo/nos u(pe/deicen o(/ti du/natai e)kfe/rein pa/ntas tou\s h(me/rous karpou\s ou)d' o(poi/as h(=tton, e(ka/stw| tw=n karpw=n e)n diasta/sei murioplhqei=s a)grou\s kataskeua/sas pamfo/rous.
Polybius 36.16.1-8 (web address 1 below). For Mas(s)inissa see already
mu 244.
[1] (For Micipses/Micipsa, Masinissa's successor as king, see
mu 1046.) The text of
Polybius gives the son's name as "Sthembanus" rather than the Suda's "Sthembas". Also
Polybius' text and the text of Appian in
mu 244 say Masinissa was survived by a total of ten children. This may be a discrepancy, or the higher number may include daughters not reckoned here.
[2] The text of
Polybius says "for each of his sons" rather than "each of the crops".
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; children; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; politics; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 June 2009@01:17:40.
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