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Adler number: mu,24
Translated headword: Magnesians' evils
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "And I have nothing that I can say worthily about him, whether the name I apply to them is the Magnesians' evils,[1] or the Termerian [evil],[2] or simply the entirety of tragedy togther with satyr[-play] and comedy and mime; so all shamefulness, all insanity, has been contrived by the man, to excess, in these [genres]."[3]
Greek Original:*magnhtw=n kaka/: kai\ ou)/te ti/ fw= peri\ au)tou= a)ci/ws e)/xw, ka)\n ta\ *magnhtw=n kaka/, ka)\n to\ *terme/rion, ka)\n pa=san a(plw=s au)tw=n e)pifqe/gcwmai th\n tragw|di/an meta\ tou= satu/rou kai\ th=s kwmw|di/as kai\ tou= mi/mou, ou(/tw pa=sa me\n ai)sxro/ths, pa=sa de\ a)po/noia pro\s u(perbolh\n e)p' e)kei/nois tw=| a)ndri\ pefilote/xnhtai.
[1] "Magnesians' evils": cf.
tau 53.
[2] "Termerian evil": see
tau 348.
[3] An approximation of Julian,
Oration 7.210-211 Hertlein (
Pros Herakleion kynikon 6 Rochefort); notably, for
e)p' e)kei/nois read
e)n e)kei/nais.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; geography; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 January 2009@22:23:53.
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