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Search results for mu,239 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,239
Translated headword: witnesses
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. The word occurs] in
Homer. From the nominative [sc. singular]
Greek Original:*ma/rturoi: par' *(omh/rw|. a)po\ th=s ma/rturos eu)qei/as.
Epic variant of ma/rtus (often referring to what the gods witness).
The nominative plural headword ma/rturoi occurs five times in the Iliad (e.g. 1.338) and twice in the Odyssey; see also Hesiod, Shield 20.
For the substance of the entry see already Herodian, De Prosodia Catholica p. 47 Lentz, peri\ o)noma/twn p. 615 Lentz, peri\ kli/sews o)noma/twn p. 747 Lentz. Herodian's claim is based on the singular nominative e)pima/rturos in Iliad 7.76.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; poetry; religion
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 18 April 2009@21:48:10.
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