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Search results for mu,236 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,236
Translated headword: I call to witness, I protest
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] I summon witnesses.
Sophocles [writes]: "I call these people to witness, not you, what sort of words you exchange with your friends -- if I ever catch you." Creon [
Myth] says [this] to Oedipus.[1]
Aelian [writes]: "but we call to witness this much, that we are not being unjust for the sake of Hospitable Zeus".[2]
"I call you to witness a swallow". Equivalent to I show [you one].[3]
"Listen, my people; and I shall speak to you, Israel, and protest [
diamartu/romai] against you."[4] [Spelled] with an omicron.
But some [spell it] with an omega.[5]
Greek Original:*martu/romai: ma/rturas kalw=. *sofoklh=s: martu/romai tou/sd', ou) se/: pro\s de\ tou\s fi/lous oi(=' a)ntamei/bh| r(h/mat', h)/n se e(/lw pote/. *kre/wn fhsi\ pro\s *oi)di/poun. kai\ *ai)liano/s: a)lla\ tosou=ton marturo/meq', w(s ou)/t' a)dikou=men *ceni/ou *dio\s xa/rin. martu/romai/ soi xelido/na. i)/son tw=| a)podei/knumi. a)/kouson lao/s mou, kai\ lalh/sw soi *)israh/l, kai\ diamartu/romai/ soi. dia\ tou= o mikrou=. oi( de\ dia\ tou= w mega/lou.
See also
mu 237.
Oedipus at Colonus 813-814 (web address 1), with scholion.
Aelian fr. 161 Domingo-Forasté (158 Hercher). On Zeus Xenios, see
xi 37.
[3] In
Photius and the
Lexica Segueriana, and
alpha 3286 (whence it is copied here), have it the other way round: "I show to you a swallow; that is, I call to witness". The expression does not seem to be otherwise attested.
Psalm 49.7
LXX; cf.
delta 646.
[5] (A marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms A.) This implies
marturw=mai =
martura/omai as a variant, for which there is no evidence elsewhere -- or else the subjunctive, as at
delta 646.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 18 April 2009@21:32:56.
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