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Adler number: mu,232
Translated headword: Martius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Martius Verus sent out
Thucydides[1] to escort Suhaemus[2] into Armenia; he, by the fear of his arms and by his personal good judgement as regards all situations, kept pressing onward powerfully. Martius was able not only to overpower his enemies with arms or to anticipate them by speed or to outsmart them with deception -- which is the strength of generals -- but also to persuade them with forceful argument and to win them over with generous gifts and to entice them with high expectations. There was a charm in everything done and said by him which both soothed the irritation and anger of everyone and increased their hopes even more. He knew the proper time for flattery and bribes and dinner receptions. In addition to these things, his tenacity regarding his affairs and his swift efficiency regarding his enemies showed the barbarians that it was better to seek his friendship than his enmity. Therefore, when he came into this new city, which a garrison of Romans placed there from the time of
Priscus held, since they were trying to start a revolt, he reprimanded them with word and deed and made the city into the foremost of Armenia.
Greek Original:*ma/rtios: o(/ti *ma/rtios *bh=ros to\n *qoukudi/dhn e)kpe/mpei katagagei=n *su/aimon ei)s *)armeni/an: o(\s de/ei tw=n o(/plwn kai\ th=| oi)kei/a| peri\ pa/nta ta\ prospi/ptonta eu)bouli/a| tou= pro/sw ei)/xeto e)rrwme/nws. h)=n de\ i(kano\s o( *ma/rtios ou) mo/non o(/plois bia/sasqai tou\s a)ntipole/mous h)\ o)cu/thti prolabei=n h)\ a)pa/th| katasofi/sasqai, h(/per e)sti\ strathgw=n a)lkh/, a)lla\ kai\ lo/gw| piqanw=| pei=sai kai\ dwreai=s megalo/frosin oi)keiw/sasqai kai\ e)lpi/di a)gaqh=| delea/sai. xa/ris te h)=n e)pi\ pa=si toi=s prassome/nois u(p' au)tou= kai\ legome/nois, to\ me\n a)ganaktou=n e(ka/stou kai\ to\ qumou/menon paramuqoume/nh, to\ de\ e)lpi/zon e)/ti ma=llon au)/cousa. kolakei/as te dw/rwn kai\ th=s para\ trape/zais deciw/sews kairo\n h)/|dei. oi(=s proso\n to\ pro\s ta\s pra/ceis su/ntonon kai\ to\ pro\s tou\s e)xqrou\s su\n o)cu/thti drasth/rion, ai(retw/teron e)dei/knue toi=s barba/rois ei)=nai th=s fili/as au)tou= ma=llon h)\ th=s e)/xqras a)ntipoiei=sqai. a)fiko/menos ou)=n e)s th\n kainh\n po/lin, h(\n froura\ *(rwmai/wn katei=xen e)k *pri/skou katasta=sa, newteri/zein peirwme/nous lo/gw| te kai\ e)/rgw| swfroni/sas a)pe/fhne prw/thn ei)=nai th=s *)armeni/as.
The text of this entry and the second quotation in
zeta 33 have been attributed to
Cassius Dio and are placed at 71.2.3 and 71.2.4 of Dio's
Roman History.
On P. Martius Verus (d. 190 CE), serving at this time in the Parthian War of L. Verus (162-166), see A.R. Birley in OCD(4) s.v. Martius.
[1] Not, of course, to be confused with
theta 414.
[2] Sohaemus elsewhere. Installed by Verus as king of Armenia in 163.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 June 2009@20:15:13.
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