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Adler number: mu,230
Translated headword: Marsyas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the days of the Jewish Judges Marsyas too was a wise man, who discovered through music pipes[1] of reeds and bronze. Deranged, he threw himself into a river and perished; and the river was named Marsyas. The story is told about him that he perished after vaunting himself as a god. In those days the events concerning Jason and the Argonauts also took place, as Apollonius of
Rhodes[2] says. A tale is told that he was skinned by Apollo.
A story is told about Hormisdas the Persian [sc. king],[3] who deserted to Constantine the Great.[4] This man, after going out on a hunt and returning to the palace, when the men invited to dinner did not stand in the proper way, he threatened to inflict on them the death of Marsyas. Having learned about this from one who heard it, some of the Persians after the father's death proclaimed the younger [sc. son] king; Hormisdas they locked up in a prison and iron fetters. But his wife let him out after introducing a metal file hidden in a fish, and then he ran off to Constantine as a suppliant. The story [is] clear.
Greek Original:*marsu/as: e)n toi=s xro/nois tw=n *)ioudai/wn *kritw=n kai\ *marsu/as e)ge/neto sofo/s, o(/stis e)feu=re dia\ mousikh=s au)lou\s a)po\ kala/mwn kai\ xalkou=: o(\s parafronh/sas e)/rriyen ei)s potamo\n e(auto\n kai\ a)pw/leto: kai\ w)noma/sqh o( potamo\s *marsu/as: peri\ ou(= mu=qos fe/retai, o(/ti e(auto\n a)poqew/sas a)pw/leto. kata\ de\ tou\s au)tou\s xro/nous e)ge/neto kai\ ta\ kata\ *)ia/sona kai\ tou\s *)argonau/tas, w(s *)apollw/nios o( *(ro/dio/s fhsi. le/getai mu=qos, o(/ti e)ceda/rh u(po\ *)apo/llwnos. kai\ fe/retai lo/gos peri\ *(ormi/sdou tou= *pe/rsou, o(\s hu)tomo/lhse pro\s *kwnstanti=non to\n me/gan. e)celqw\n ga\r e)pi\ qh/ran ou(=tos kai\ ei)s ta\ basi/leia u(postrafei/s, tw=n keklhme/nwn e)pi\ to\ dei=pnon ou)k e)canasta/ntwn kata\ to\ kaqh=kon, h)pei/lhse to\n *marsu/ou qa/naton au)toi=s e)piqh/sein. tou=to para/ tinos a)khkoo/tos a)namaqo/ntes oi( tw=n *persw=n meta\ qa/naton tou= patro\s to\n new/teron a)nagoreu/ousi basile/a: to\n de\ a)poklei/ousin e)n ei(rkth=| kai\ sidh/rois pedou=sin: o(\n h( gameth\ dia\ th=s tou= i)xqu/os mhxanh=s r(i/nhn ei)senegkou=sa e)ch/gage, kai\ a)podra\s i(ke/ths pro\s *kwnstanti=non e)/rxetai. h( i(stori/a dh/lh.
See generally OCD(4) s.v. Marsyas(1). The present material comes from late-antique historiography; probably
Eunapius in the case of the second paragraph.
[1] For 'pipes' (
auloi) see
alpha 4447.
alpha 3419.
[3] cf.
mu 1048.
kappa 2284.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; botany; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 20 November 2003@17:27:46.
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