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Search results for mu,219 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,219
Translated headword: Marcus, Markos, Mark
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Bishop of [the] Arethusians,[1] orderly in his speech and in his lifestyle; [it was he] whom in the time of Julian[2] they subjected to many torments and throwing him into the sewers they then gave him over to children to poke with their styli. After these things, throwing him into a wicker cage and smearing him with fish-sauce and honey, they raised him up in the air in the height of summer, bidding wasps and bees alike to the feast. He endured it to the end without yielding.[3]
[Note] that Mark the evangelist has 48 sections, 36 chapters.[4]
Greek Original:*ma/rkos, *)areqousi/wn e)pi/skopos, lo/gw| kai\ bi/w| kekosmhme/nos: o(\n e)pi\ *)ioulianou= pollai=s ai)ki/ais u(pe/balon, kai\ ei)s u(pono/mous e)mbalo/ntes, ei)=ta paidi/ois pare/dosan kentei=n au)to\n tai=s grafi/si. meta\ de\ tau=ta ei)s gu/rgaqon e)mbalo/ntes kai\ ga/rw| kai\ me/liti xri/santes, u(pai/qrion h)|w/rhsan e)n qe/rous a)kmh=|, sfh=kas o(mou= kai\ meli/ttas ei)s qoi/nhn prokalou/menoi. o( de\ a)nendo/tws diekarte/rhse. o(/ti *ma/rkos o( eu)aggelisth\s e)/xei ti/tlous mh#, kefa/laia l#2#.
Stephanus of
Byzantium lists cities called Arethousa in
Syria, Thrace and Euboea; this is the first of them.
[2] i.e. the reign of the emperor Julian the Apostate (
iota 437).
[3] Theodoret,
Historia Ecclesiastica 3.7.6-10. The reason given for Mark's persecution is that he and his followers destroyed pagan temples and refused to pay to repair the buildings. St. Cassian of Imola shares with Mark the unusual torture of being stabbed by the styli of schoolchildren; see Prudentius,
Peristephanon 9. On fish-sauce (garum), see
gamma 66.
[4] This addendum is lacking, Adler reports, in mss A (Parisinus 2626), F (Laurentianus 55.1) and V (Vossianus Fol. 2). See
tau 690, where the sentence obviously belongs; there Kuster amends "36 chapters" to "235 chapters". (The book divisions referred to here are not the modern ones.)
Keywords: biography; children; Christianity; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 April 2008@03:00:35.
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