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Search results for mu,218 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,218
Translated headword: Marcus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Marcus] Mallius, a patrician; when the Celts were attacking Rome, he saved that [city] and was deemed worthy of the greatest honors.[1] Later, noticing an old man who had often served as a soldier being taken into bondage by a money-lender, he repaid the debt on his behalf and gaining a good reputation among everyone he waived the debts of his own debtors. Advancing in reputation, he also repaid [debts] on behalf of others and urged on by his popularity he now advised universal cancellations of debts, or he asked the people to return to the lenders the land that was still unreturned and undistributed to this point.
Greek Original:*ma/rkos *ma/llios, eu)patri/dhs, *keltw=n e)pelqo/ntwn th=| *(rw/mh|, tau/thn perie/swse kai\ timw=n megi/stwn h)ciw/qh. u(/steron de\ presbu/thn polla/kis e)strateume/non a)go/menon ei)s doulei/an u(po\ tou= daneistou= gnwri/sas a)pe/dwke to\ xre/os u(pe\r au)tou= kai\ e)pi\ tw=|de eu)fhmou/menos pa=sin h)fi/ei toi=s e(autou= xrh/stais ta\ o)flh/mata. proi+w\n de\ th=| do/ch| kai\ u(pe\r a)/llwn a)pedi/dou kai\ tai=s dhmokopi/ais e)pairo/menos e)bou/leusen h)/dh xrew=n a)pokopa\s koina/s, h)\ to\n dh=mon h)ci/ou toi=s danei/sasin a)podou=nai th\n gh=n, e)s tou=to a)podo/menon e)/ti ou)=san a)ne/mhton.
Italica fr. 9.
The individual in question is M. Manlius [for Greek 'Mallios' as the transliteration of this
nomen cf.
mu 105,
pi 2210,
tau 791] Capitolinus, on whom see Andrew Drummond in OCD(4) p.893, s.v. Manlius Capitolinus, Marcus.
[1] The 'Celts' here are the Gauls, who attacked Rome in 390 BCE. Marcus Manlius supposedly saved the city after being alerted by the sacred geese of Juno, although this may be an apocryphal tale to explain his cognomen, Capitolinus (cf. generally
kappa 329,
kappa 341); see Livy 5.47. The story may also have been current since Ennius; see Skutsch, p. 408.
O. Skutsch, The Annals of Quintus Ennius . Oxford: 1985
Keywords: aetiology; agriculture; biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 April 2008@23:45:32.
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