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Adler number: mu,217
Translated headword: Marcus [Apicius]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Marcus] Apicius, a Roman: no one will deny that he attained the limit of prodigality, but he seems to have demonstrated some activity of magnanimity in himself. [Romans] used to entertain daily, and he lived, he says, for his stomach and for those parts which are more intemperate than the stomach.[1] And once when they were feasting, Fabius, one of the ex-consuls, taking a large valuable crystal drinking-cup, then unintentionally broke it. At this he was gloomy, being struck by sorrow in his soul. But Apicius, trying to relieve him of his grief, said, "Won't you forget what is done and make yourself a more cheerful companion? May not you who are my friend do what many of the wine-stewards and slaves who have been purchased often do?"
Greek Original:*ma/rkos *)api/kios, *(rwmai=os, w(s h)=n a)swti/as pe/ras ou)dei\s a)ntifh/sei: dokei= de/ pws megalonoi/as e)/rgon e)kei=no a)podei/casqai e)n au(tou=. e(stiw=nto o(shme/rai, kai\ ga\r e)/zh, fasi/, th=| gastri\ kai\ toi=s e)kei/nhs a)krateste/rois. kai/ pote metacu\ qoinazo/ntwn, *fa/bios, tw=n u(pateuko/twn ei(=s, labw\n e)/kpwma krusta/llou me/ga ti/mion, ei)=ta a)/kwn kate/acen au)to/: kai\ e)pi\ tou/tw| sunnefh\s h)=n, a)/xei plhgei\s th\n yuxh/n. o( toi/nun *)api/kios peirw/menos au)to\n th=s lu/phs a)pa/gein, ou) katabalei=s, fhsi/, to\ praxqe\n kai\ seauto\n h(mi=n pare/ceis faidro/teron sumpo/thn; h)\ soi\ fi/lw| o)/nti tou=to dra=sai ou)k e)ce/stai, o(/per ou)=n drw=si kai\ tw=n oi)noxo/wn kai\ tw=n a)rgurwnh/twn polloi\ polla/kis;
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 January 2003@00:52:37.
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