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Search results for mu,208 in Adler number:
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Headword: *markiano/s
Adler number: mu,208
Translated headword: Markianos, Marcianus, Marcian
Vetting Status: high
This man associated with Musonius from Pamphylia; [he was] a man who, like a standard, was perfected in every virtue; for Musonius, being a lover of goodness and nobility, drew them from everywhere to himself, like a magnet [draws] iron. It was impossible to test what sort of man so-and-so was, but hearing he was a friend of Musonius, [it was possible] to know that he was good.
Greek Original:
*markiano/s: ou(=tos sunh=n *mouswni/w| e)k *pamfuli/as, a)nh\r e)s a)reth\n a(/pasan w(/sper tis kanw\n a)phkribwme/nos: filo/kalos ga\r w)\n kai\ fila/gaqos o( *mousw/nios tou\s pantaxo/qen ei(=lke par' e(auto/n, w(/sper h( magnh=tis to\n si/dhron. ou)k h)=n de\ basani/zein o(poi=o/s tis o( dei=na, a)lla\ *mouswni/ou fi/lon a)kou/santa o(/ti kalo\s h)=n ei)de/nai.
After the initial identifier, this material is taken from Eunapius frr.44-45 FHG (4.33).
Not to be confused with his homonyms mu 207 and mu 209.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; imagery; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 April 2008@09:52:12.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (typo) on 12 April 2008@20:34:25.
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords) on 13 April 2008@03:53:46.
David Whitehead on 6 May 2013@08:40:38.


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