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Adler number: mu,201
Translated headword: Maris
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Bishop of Chalcedon in
Bithynia. As he was being led by the hand (for he suffered from a disease of the eyes in addition to old age), he came upon Julian[1] sacrificing to Tyche in the basilica of Constantinople. Approaching the emperor he upbraided him insolently, calling him "impious, apostate, atheist." The emperor countered this insolence with words [only], calling him a blind man; and he said, "Not even your Galilean god will heal you." For he was accustomed to call Christ "the Galilean." But Maris addressed the emperor even more outspokenly: "I give thanks," he said, "to God who has blinded me so that I may not see your face, which has sunk so far into impiety." Julian made no answer to this, but he dealt cleverly with this situation also, for he had seen that those who suffered martyrdom under Diocletian[2] were honored by the Christians, and many eagerly strove for martyrdom. As if combating the Christians by this very desire, he turned to another policy. He renounced the excessive cruelty of Diocletian; nevertheless he did not refrain entirely from persecution. I call it "persecution" to harass in any way those who are living peacefully. He harassed them in this manner: by a law he ordered that the Christians should not participate in any way in education, lest, he said, by sharpening their tongues they should be better prepared to debate with the pagan dialecticians. By employing many strategems against many individuals, he persuaded certain people to give in and sacrifice. Among these was Hekebolios the sophist of Constantinople.[3]
Greek Original:*ma/ris, th=s e)n *biquni/a| *xalkhdo/nos e)pi/skopos: katalabw\n de\ *)iouliano\n to\n *paraba/thn qu/onta th=| *tu/xh| e)n th=| basilikh=| *kwnstantinoupo/lews, thnikau=ta xeiragwgou/menos [h)=n ga\r dh\ pro\s tw=| gh/ra| u(po/xusin o)fqalmw=n u(pomei/nas], polla\ to\n basile/a proselqw\n periu/brise to\n a)sebh= kalw=n, to\n a)posta/thn, to\n a)/qeon. o( de\ lo/gois ta\s u(/breis h)mu/neto tuflo\n kale/sas, kai\ ou)k a)/n, fhsi/n, ou)de\ o( *galilai=o/s sou qeo\s qerapeu/sh| se. *galilai=on ga\r ei)w/qei kalei=n to\n *xristo/n. o( de\ dh\ *ma/ris parrhsiai/teron pro\s to\n basile/a ei)=pen: eu)xaristw=, fhsi/, tw=| qew=| tw=| tuflw/santi/ me, i(/na mh\ i)/dw to\ pro/swpo/n sou, ou(/tws e)kpeptwko\s pro\s th\n a)se/beian. ou)de\n pro\s tau=ta o( *)iouliano\s a)pekri/nato, deinw=s de\ kai\ tou=to meth/rxeto: e(wrakw\s ga\r tou\s e)pi\ *dioklhtianou= marturh/santas u(po\ tw=n *xristianw=n timwme/nous, proqu/mws te speu/dein e)pi\ tw=| marturh=sai pollou\s e)peigome/nous w(/sper au)tw=| tou/tw| tou\s *xristianou\s a)muno/menos, e)pi\ e(te/ran e)tre/peto. kai\ th\n me\n u(perba/llousan e)pi\ *dioklhtianou= w)mo/thta u(pere/qeto: ou) mh\n pa/nth tou= diw/kein a)pe/sxeto. diwgmo\n de\ le/gw to\ o(pwsou=n tara/ttein tou\s h(suxa/zontas. e)ta/ratte de\ w(=de: no/mw| e)ke/leue *xristianou\s paideu/sews mh\ mete/xein, i(/na mh/, fhsi/n, a)konw/menoi th\n glw=ttan e(toi/mws pro\s tou\s dialektikou\s tw=n *(ellh/nwn a)pantw=si. polla\ de\ e)pi\ polloi=s mhxanhsa/menos e)/peise/ tinas pro\s to\ qu/ein a)pokli=nai: e)n oi(=s kai\ *(ekhbo/lion *kwnstantinoupo/lews sofisth/n.
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Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; law; medicine; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 September 2003@21:56:32.
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