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Search results for mu,194 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,194
Translated headword: Marianos, Marianus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of the advocate Marsos, a Roman governor. [He was] ancestrally Roman, but after his father had migrated to Eleutheropolis, one of the [cities] of the first Palestine,[1] he acquired the superior distinction of consular and gubernatorial and patrician ancestry, by favour of the emperor Anastasius.[2] He wrote the following books:
Paraphrase of Theocritus in iambics, 3150 [lines];
Paraphrase of Apollonius' Argonautica in iambics, 5608;
Paraphrase of Callimachus' Hecale and hymns and Aitia and epigrams in iambics, 6810;
Paraphrase of Aratus in iambics, 1140;
Paraphrase of Nicander's Theriaca in iambics, 1370; and many other paraphrases.
Greek Original:*mariano/s, *ma/rsou dikhgo/rou, tw=n u(pa/rxwn *(rw/mhs. *(rwmai=os me\n to\ a)rxai=on, metoikh/santos de\ tou= patro\s *)eleuqero/polin, mi/an tw=n th=s prw/ths *palaisti/nhs, a)po\ u(pa/twn kai\ u(pa/rxwn kai\ patri/kios gegonw/s, to\ e)pifane/steron, kata\ to\n basile/a *)anasta/sion. e)/graye bibli/a tosau=ta: *meta/frasin *qeokri/tou e)n i)a/mbois #22grn#, *meta/frasin *)apollwni/ou tw=n *)argonautikw=n e)n i)a/mbois #22exh#, *meta/frasin *kallima/xou *(eka/lhs, u(/mnwn kai\ tw=n *ai)ti/wn kai\ e)pigramma/twn e)n i)a/mbois #22#2wi#, *meta/frasin *)ara/tou e)n i)a/mbois #22arm#, *meta/frasin *nika/ndrou tw=n *qhriakw=n e)n i)a/mbois #22ato#: kai\ a)/llas polla\s metafra/seis.
[1] a.k.a. Beth Govrin; Barrington Atlas map 70 grid F2.
[2] Anastasius I (491-518):
alpha 2077.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; law; meter and music; poetry; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 February 2007@08:55:27.
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