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Search results for mu,187 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,187
Translated headword: Margites
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A man made fun of for stupidity. [It is he] who they say was unable to count beyond 5; who took his bride home but did not touch her, instead being frightened and saying she might slander him to her mother; who did not know, and as a young man already asked his mother, whether he had been sired by his own father.
Greek Original:*margi/ths: a)nh\r e)pi\ mwri/a| kwmw|dou/menos. o(/n fasin a)riqmh=sai me\n mh\ plei/w tw=n e# dunhqh=nai: nu/mfhn de\ a)go/menon mh\ a(/yasqai au)th=s, a)lla\ fobei=sqai le/gonta, mh\ th=| mhtri\ au)to\n diaba/lh|: a)gnoei=n de\ neani/an h)/dh gegenhme/non kai\ punqa/nesqai th=s mhtro/s, ei)/ge a)po\ tou= au(tou= patro\s e)te/xqh.
Also in
Photius (mu106 Theodoridis).
The name
Margites is used of both proverbal madmen and proverbial simpletons (
mu 185), and at
gamma 118 the present material attaches to someone called (apparently) Melitides.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; mathematics; proverbs; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 February 2007@07:51:47.
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