*ma/rghs kai\ *ma/rgos: maino/menos. kai\ *(upermargo/teros, o( u(permaino/menos. kai\ *gastri/margos, o( peri\ th\n gaste/ra memhnw/s.
Of the two primary headwords,
ma/rghs would seem not to be the genitive feminine of
ma/rgos, but a masculine artificially modelled after
ma/rgos. Outside a possible instance in the
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
ma/rgos, attributed to Tyrranion, it is not otherwise attested (and Tyrannion's fr.55 Haas, from
Eustathius, speaks only of
[1] Same glossing (of
margos) in other lexica, from
Hesychius onwards: see the references at
Photius mu108 Theodoridis.
[2] The comparative
u(permargo/teros is also cited in
upsilon 323, but is not otherwise attested.
[3] The etymology of
gastri/margos is straightforward, and is also given in the
Etymologicum Gudianum (s.v.
gastrimargi/a) and ps.-
Zonaras, as well as in Christian writing:
Doctrinae Diversae 15.161; Nicholas Catascepenus,
Vita sancti Cyrilli Phileotae 40.2.
For related words see
mu 183,
mu 186.
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