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Search results for mu,163 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,163
Translated headword: Mantinaians' dispersal, Mantineans' dispersal
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Spartans dispersed the city of Mantinaia into five villages; and this [act] was named Mantinaians' dispersal.
Greek Original:*mantinai/wn diw|kismo/s: ei)s pe/nte kw/mas th\n *mantinai/wn diw/|khsan po/lin oi( *lakedaimo/nioi: kai\ e)klh/qh tou=to *mantinai/wn diw|kismo/s.
An abridgement of Harpokration s.v., where
Isocrates 8.100 (web address 1) and
Ephorus FGrH 70 F79 are cited for this episode of 385 BCE; see also e.g.
Hellenica 5.2.1-7 (web address 2).
For 'Mantinaia' see also
mu 164,
mu 165.
OCD(4) p.894
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 December 2000@04:01:11.
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