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Search results for mu,1438 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1438
Translated headword: myrtle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A species of plant.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] "myrtling", [meaning someone] desiring office. For the officials [sc. in
Athens] are crowned with myrtles.[2]
The tree [in question is the] tamarisk.[3]
"[Then he called upon him to] take a myrtle in his hand and recite something of
Aeschylus".[4] For the children used to sing at the symposia, having brought a twig of laurel[5] or myrtle.
Greek Original:*murri/nh: ei)=dos futou=. kai\ *murrinw=n, a)rxh=s e)piqumw=n. murri/nais ga\r stefanou=ntai oi( a)/rxontes. to\ de\ de/ndron *muri/kh. murri/nhn labo/nta, tw=n *ai)sxu/lou le/cai ti. oi( ga\r pai=des e)n toi=s sumposi/ois klw=na da/fnhs h)\ murri/nhs labo/ntes h)=|don.
[1] Also
mu/rtos, mursi/nh, mu/rrinos and
mu/rtis. The fruit, the myrtle-berry, is called
mu/rton which also means female genitalia (
mu 1461). See
Natural History 15.122 for the various types of myrtle.
[2] From the
scholia to
Wasps 861, where myrtles are mentioned; see again at
psi 131. Likewise or similarly in other lexica: see the references at
Photius mu601 Theodoridis, and generally LSJ s.v.
murrina/w (not independently attested).
[3] An intrusion into this entry; see rather the preceding one,
mu 1437.
Clouds 1364-5, followed by comment from the
scholia there.
[5] Daphne,
Laurus nobilis.
Keywords: botany; children; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; imagery; politics; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Carl Widstrand on 17 January 2000@11:20:32.
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